Saturday, 4 July 2015

Things have been happening- early to mid June...

Well, it's been a while- but things haven't stopped. In fact, I haven't been busier! 
 I have been taking photos every step of the way and life has started to take over on the allotment. 

The first job back at the beginning of June was to get plenty of herbs in pots. B&Q had an offer where it was something like 3 herbs for £7. So I bought parsley, rosemary and thyme. I also had to buy a lavender- for the bees! And they smell delicious! 
 I also had some chives sitting at home in my dingy back yard- but they come back every year so I thought it was about time I let them see the sun. 

I then started getting plenty in the ground. A few beds have been dug since, and I now have white and red onions, Brussel sprouts, strawberries (from a neighbour allotmenter) and I've just recently put celery in the ground that I have been growing from seed in my little conservatory at home. 
 I also discovered these polytunnel type things from Wilko's. I put them down initially to help warm the ground up, and since I have moved them around a few different places on the allotment. They've been pretty versatile and were only £10 each- when standing they're about 1 metres across by 3 metres long, so not bad really. 

I am currently using bricks to mark the edges of the beds. But I've decided in the winter we're going to create smaller raised beds across the whole plot. We only need to grow enough for my husband and I (and our bunny) but it seems a bit silly at the moment that we're growing so much of one thing on such a small plot. 

This was my baby Brussel sprouts in the ground when I first popped them in. Mixed some compost in with the clay soil to break it up a bit, and it seems to have done the trick! 

This is a photo of the Brussel sprouts (and strawberries in the foreground) that was taken about 2 weeks ago. So they definitely settled in and seem really happy- the frogs hide out under the compost heap as well, and seem Togo between there, my pond, next doors pond to the left, and the untouched (super overgrown) allotment to the right. So snails and slugs aren't really proving a problem which is great! 

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