Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Creating the garden part of the allotment...

So thanks to the typical English summer, there has been a lot of rain and not enough sunshine! Thankfully today, the clouds finally moved off and we were able to get something productive done
 As I've said before I've always wanted the back part of the allotment to also act as a garden and a place to relax. We live in an old house and our backyard is tiny and North facing, so I really wanted a place to relax. 
 Next to the wildflower and pond area we spent this morning turning over the rest. Thankfully thanks to all the rain it made turning the patch over incredibly easy so we were able to get it all sorted before noon!

So my next job is to get even more plants and flowers around the grass area and pop up the rest of the little blue fence.

We also found the cutest little (though quite large) hawk caterpillar hiding in the turned over soil. We decided to move him across to the wildflowers instead. 

We didn't seem to have any success with the strawberries I was given from an allotment neighbour. We only got a few and they were pretty short lived. Though I decided that I didn't want to grow strawberries in the ground again next year so I weeded the strawberry patch and removed the strawbs. Instead I used it as an opportunity to put three of the butternut squash into the ground. So fingers crossed they will turn into something. There's a fair few flowers on all of the plants and a few have started to form into fruits in the pots, so fingers crossed they will become an edible fruit- though there doesn't seem to be much to summer left! 
 Fingers crossed we get more decent weather before winter begins! 

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