I love this time of year. Things aren't racing ahead and everything seems to suddenly become really green!
I'm loving the pond at the moment- there's still a million tadpoles in there and on a sunny day we've seen plenty of frogs. The plant life is bursting to life as well!
The apple tree I planted last spring (too early- not realising there would be another frost- so last year it just sat in a huff!) but now- it's clearly very happy!
I have started to work back from the gate now and have covered that area in a weed preventative sheeting and bark. The gate area was just getting too bogged down with weeds it was getting very annoying climbing over them to get in and out!
Another one of the Apple tree- I have a feeling we might get apples this year!
I'm also absolutely in love with the tulip zinc bath! How amazing do they look?!
Here is a closeup of the latest to open. The variety is called Artist- and you can see why!! I think they're amazing! I planted these ones lower than the purple ones in a hope that I'd get a longer tulip season- I think it's worked as planned as well, as the purple ones are just past their best now, just as these ones are opening! So perfect! I'll definitely do that again!