Saturday, 23 April 2016

Spring is taking hold!

So Spring has definitely taken it's hold on the plot! Absolutely loving it at this time of year despite how much absolutely needs doing!
 A selection of photos to show where I'm at:
 Marsh marigolds are now popping up.

The pond is looking awesome and is absolutely full to the brim of tadpoles.

The tulip bath is on he verge of bursting into colour (this photo was taken today)

Beautiful flowers have started to appear. The alliums have also started to come up- and are now several inches tall! 

And the greenhouse is looking good! I've currently got lettuce, onions and cauliflower in there, I've also got tomato seedlings, cayenne pepper, sweet red pepper and bell peppers sitting on windowsills at home. 

So it's all looking really great! There is a lot of ground work that needs doing though- and I need to get the potatoes in the ground pretty soon! Lovely time of year though- beautiful when the sun is shining!

Friday, 1 April 2016

It's about time I did some work...

So I'm not going to lie, we have neglected the allotment a bit lately. I had the best of intentions for my first full year with an allotment! But then mid February my husband was offered a job in Canada starting in September, which would obviously mean I'd be going to! And despite that sounding a fair way off, it means I'm thinking 'do I really want to spend a fortune in time and money on a plot I may essentially never see again?' Hmm. So, for March we were pretty rubbish. We didn't do anything. But, as time has gone on I've thought, ok, so we leave in September, but I can get someone to look after the plot for me, and we might only be away for a year so I'd had to think I'd throw in the towel now when it took me five years to get the plot in the first place. 
 So, a few days ago we went to the plot.

I was stupidly excited to find a mountain of frogspawn in the pond. I saw some in next doors pond the week or so before hand and was a bit disappointed that there was none in mine. But happy when I was there to see some frogs have decided my pond will make for a good nursery after all!

I do love this time of year! It was also great to see the £5 willow tree we bought last year has never looked happier with all of it's new growth!

The crocuses I planted not that long ago have started to flower as well!

And the zinc bath of tulips are reaching up to the sun! Can't wait to see these in bloom! I absolutely love tulips.

After a trip to my favourite plant nursery (Stanton Hall in Northumberland) I then finally set to work!

Jobs I did the other day:

Mowed the lawn.
Tidied up around the pond.
Planted alium bulbs everywhere (I don't know if it's too late or not- they'd started sprouting in the bag so I didn't really have a choice).
Pulled up the celery that wasn't a success from last year.
Planted some of the plants and herbs I'd bought at the nursery.
Tidied up the shed and placed in the new plants/seedlings.

I was sad to see someone has taken my wheelbarrow though! Whoever has taken it kindly shut my allotment gate after them. But I'm still a bit annoyed about that. 

Anyway- I am glad to have gotten started on it again! And I really need to make the most of having it before we leave!